Stages of a construction project: tips for efficient construction planning

An efficient construction project encompasses several tasks. It is important to do the planning and think of strategies so that they can be applied within the reality of the building.

Residential planning contractors Bondi

There are many cases where the process is approved on paper, but in the course of execution, it is discovered that it is not possible to follow it in practice. For this reason, the tips that we will present in this blog will focus on the pre-construction stages and will precisely serve to make this step effective and realistic. So, before hiring Residential planning contractors in Bondi, read the below text!


How to make a good planning and construction project?


For good planning, all possible information must be gathered before carrying out the construction. With this, it is possible to consider the unforeseen potential and make the execution plausible. 


What are the main stages of a construction project?


Below are the most important steps to organize an efficient construction project:


Ø  Site analysis and information gathering


A residential project, be it architectural, structural, electrical or plumbing installations, must always consider field information. It is necessary to know data and aspects of the land and its surroundings. Otherwise, bad weather, such as the presence of vegetation or flooding, may occur during the execution of the work.


Ø  Preparation of drawings


After conception, the building must be elaborated with the help of computational tools, according to the choice of the client, the architect, and the executor of the work. The drawings must always be carried out considering the execution of the building, containing the maximum detail and information.


Thus, it is possible to follow what was agreed between the architect and the owner, leaving no room for doubts and errors. Residential construction projects must also present descriptive material including all items to be used.


Ø  Review and approval


Revisions can be requested to remove doubts and correct errors or imperfections before carrying out the project. This can also happen in case of confrontation of two tasks, such as the structural and the architectural, not aligning the location of the pillars, for example.


All stages must be analyzed together to avoid errors that may even harm the structural integrity of the building, such as pipes passing between beams. Therefore, compatibility must be included in the planning.


Ø  Definition of deadlines


Something essential is the definition of deadlines. The work must have planning for its delivery, as well as for the execution of each service, with a date of entry and exit of teams. In this step, a realization calendar is created. With a well-done and realistic process, so many revisions are not necessary during the work, and the established schedule is not affected. 


Ø  Post-work


Residential planning goes beyond execution and delivery. The last step, which must be included in the processes of every project, is the post-work phase. Therefore, strategies must be created to improve communication and customer service.


The employees' priority must be to carry out everything according to the norms and definitions of the contract. This avoids bottlenecks after handing over the keys and minimizes post-work costs. But, this is not always possible, so it is crucial to define a strategy to resolve buyer complaints efficiently.


Final words


Gas hot water Waverley Council

Now that you already know the steps to make a residential project, take the opportunity to contact Top Quality Plumbing and get suggestions about your construction planning. We also offer Gas hot water service in Waverley Council. So, remember us when you require. 


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